So what can you do if everything gets shutdown due to a global virus crisis ? With getting some good brainstorm input from our athletes we decided to go full bore in helping our members and to strip the gym and handout home-kits to all that wanted it and have space for it. To keep things fair we used a lottery allocation approach - as the requests outnumbered the availability. On top of the barbell kits we also secured some elastic band kits - to allow for some creative training.
We sincerly hope that this thing will be over rapidly and we can greet everyone in good health back at the gym.
I also hope the current generations learn something from this experience. You don’t know what you have until it is gone. Your full ability to determine where to be and what to do, and always have full supermarkets - not having to stand in line - and not having to feel in danger is a great acquired freedom - that is often taken for granted.
So ....Lets moan a bit less about small inconveniences when we put this behind us. Let’s overcome - but not forget.