We are very proud to announce our ATC „5Komponenten“ Proteine / Creatine Supplement.
The supplement is an old school mix. We have used and refined its formula at ATC for years now - and decided to make it available to serious athletes.
The mix contains 3 sorts of Whey (Hydrolysed, Concetrate, Isolate), Casseine and Creatine - and some lecitine.
There is alot of focus on Whey these days .. but also Casseine has quite some advantages for a serious athlete ... be reminded that mothersmilk has a very high content of casseine ...
- The Molecules are absorbed slowly in the blood - which means that the body is supplied ror a long time with essential aminoacids
- This also means that body onw proteien sources (muscle tissue) is used less when you a re trying to loose weight.
- Due to slow resporption it keeps the hunger feeling / cravings away for a longer time for those who want to reduce weight and gain weight while avoiding foodcraving attacks - insulin spikes.
- Casseine provides a good degree of milk-sugar - so is also a nice source of carbs.
- The Whey in the ATC 5Komponenten proteine - (50%/50% with Casseine) provides quick resorption - and also assures the full essential aminoacid composition overall.
- Creatine is added as our athletes has the habit of adding the daily dose to their shakes so we took care of that. The advantages of supplementing creatine are well documented.
- I personally have the habit of making a real meal shake - consisting of 500 ml whole milk, 50-75 gram of ATC protein/creatine powder, add some oatmeal - to take in little sips during a heavy workout. It really keeps my energy levels up. Also I use such a shake when I am "on the road" to have a "snack" available between meals when I am in my car .. and of course prior to bed time, after a good workout - it keep your body supplied with nutrients during the whole night .. It is really almost like babyfood ..
Keep your your nutrition simple and clean
For more info - message us.